Arcane introduced many original and interesting characters to the League of Legends canon, but not all of them are suited for the battlefield. In season 2, Mel learned that she had access to potent magical abilities that played a major role in the final battle in Piltover.
Now, she’s coming to League of Legends as a new champion, coinciding with a season that takes place in her home nation of Noxus. On Thursday, Riot revealed Mel’s abilities, and it looks like she’ll be a potent battle mage.
Passive – Searing Brilliance
Whenever Mel uses an Ability she gains three bonus projectiles on her next Attack, up to nine maximum.
When Mel deals damage through an Ability or Attack she applies Overwhelm which stacks up damage to execute the enemy. If the enemy is hit by Mel with enough Overwhelm damage to kill them, the stacks are consumed executing them.
Q – Radiant Volley
Mel fires a barrage of projectiles that explode around a target location dealing damage repeatedly to enemies within the area.
W – Rebuttal
Mel gains Move Speed, forms a barrier around herself that reflects enemy projectiles back at the attacker, and prevents taking damage.
E – Solar Snare
Mel fires a radiant orb, Rooting enemies in the center while dealing damage over time and Slowing in an area around it.
R – Golden Eclipse
Mel strikes all enemies marked with Overwhelm regardless of range, dealing additional damage for each stack of Overwhelm.
Ranks of Golden Eclipse increase Overwhelm’s damage.
That Mel can bounce projectiles back at champions is a game changer, especially since this includes both skillshots like Ashe’s icy arrow, and targeted abilities like Syndra’s ultimate.
Mel has embraced her Noxian heritage and is decked out in red and black, the signature colors of the region. However, if you prefer her original design from Arcane, Mel’s launch skin will have her original design in white and gold.
We can also expect Mel to play a major role in an upcoming novel from Riot, Ambessa: Chosen of the Wolf. We’ll have to see how players use Mel in the current metagame, but it’s cool to see a character from alternate media go through a character arc and rise through the ranks to join League’s massive roster.