Pokémon Go’s “Steeled Resolve” event is in full swing from Jan. 21-26, adding PvP-focused perks and introducing Rookidee and its evolutions into the game.
In addition to the usual event perks like boosted spawns, Magnetic Lure Modules will also attract different Pokémon during the event period, including Onix, Beldum, Shieldon, and Rookidee.
Below, we list all the event information for Pokémon Go’s “Steeled Resolve” event, including the two types of Timed Research, boosted spawns, egg hatches, and more.
Pokémon Go ‘Steeled Resolve’ event Timed Research and reward
There are two Timed Researches with the same name, though one is free and one is paid. We’ve separated them below.
‘Steeled Resolve’ free Timed Research
After the first step of the free research, there’ll be a branched choice: Should you pick Blanche or Cliff?
If you’re basing this on PvE meta, you should pick Cliff. While the rewards are mostly the same, the encounter rewards are different. Cliff’s rewards include a shadow Machop, which you can then power up and evolve into a shadow Machamp — which is one of the best fighting-type Pokémon in the game.
If you’re basing this on PvP meta, you should pick Blanche. Blanche’s rewards give you a Marill (that you can evolve into an Azumarill) and a Steelix — both Pokémon that fair well in Great and Ultra Leagues. To be fair, Marowak and Machamp both also see use in PvP, but they lag behind Steelix and Azumarill, according to the numbers at PvPoke.
Step 1 of 3
- Catch 15 Pokémon (5 Ultra Balls)
- Spin 5 PokéStops or gyms (Bunnelby encounter)
- Explore 2 km (Paldean Wooper encounter)
Rewards: 1,000 Stardust, 1,000 XP
Step 2 of 3
- Use 5 super effective charged attacks (500 Stardust)
- Power up Pokémon 5 times (2 Fast TMs)
- battle in the Go Battle League 5 times (2 Charged TMs)
Rewards: Marill (Blanche) or shadow Machop (Cliff) encounter, 2,000 XP
Step 3 of 3
- Catch 25 Pokémon (10 Ultra Balls)
- Power up Pokémon 10 times (1 Silver Pinap Berry)
- Win a trainer battle in the Go Battle League (Steelix [Blanche] or Marowak [Cliff] encounter)
Rewards: 1 Magnetic Lure Module, 3,000 XP, 2,000 Stardust
‘Steeled Resolve’ paid Timed Research
This research only has one step and it costs $5 to unlock. Should you buy the “Steeled Resolve” paid research? Maybe, but only if you play PvP. The rewards are all PvP-centric Pokémon, so you won’t have much use of them (outside of collecting) if you don’t participate in that game mode. You will also get doubled Stardust from hatching Pokémon as a bonus. As a reminder, you should also only buy this ticket if you’re able to complete it by the time the event ends on Jan. 26.
Step 1 of 1
- Power up Pokémon 5 times (Rookidee encounter)
- Power up Pokémon 10 times (Diggersby encounter)
- Win a raid (Inkay encounter)
- Win 2 raids (Pancham encounter)
- Win 3 raids (Clodsire encounter)
- Battle in the Go Battle League (Jumpluff encounter)
- Battle in the Go Battle League 2 times (Azumarill encounter)
- Battle in the Go Battle League 3 times (Galarian Weezing encounter)
Rewards: 1 Elite Charged TM, 20,000 Stardust, 5,000 XP
Pokémon Go ‘Steeled Resolve’ event Field Research and rewards
Spinning a PokéStop during the event period may yield one of these tasks:
- Battle in the Go Battle League (Cubone, Marill, or Inkay encounter)
- Catch 5 Pokémon (Clefairy, Jigglypuff, or Togetic encounter)
- Power up Pokémon 5 times (Hoppip, Dunsparce, or Barboach encounter)
- Spin 5 PokéStops or gyms (5 Poké Balls, 3 Super Potions, or 2 Revives)
Pokémon Go ‘Steeled Resolve’ event boosted spawns
These Pokémon will spawn more frequently during the event period:
- Clefairy
- Machop
- Totodile
- Marill
- Hoppip
- Paldean Wooper
- Shieldon
- Bunnelby
- Carbink
- Mareanie
Pokémon Go ‘Steeled Resolve’ event egg hatches
These Pokémon have a chance to hatch from any 2 km eggs obtained during the event:
- Shieldon
- Carbink
- Mareanie
- Rookidee
Pokémon Go ‘Steeled Resolve’ event raid targets
The following changes to the raid schedule and Max Battle schedule will take place as part of the event:
One-star raids | Three-star raids | Five-star raids | Mega raids |
Lickitung | Muk | Deoxys (Attack) | Gallade |
Skorupi | Delcatty | Deoxys (Defense) | Medicham |
Pancham | Skuntank | Dialga | |
Amaura | Lumineon |