If you’re anything like me, the first extended look we got at Pokémon Legends: Z-A on Feb. 27 had you scouring every frame of footage for signs of your favorite pocket monsters. We’ve gone ahead and saved you some work by collecting the names of the Pokémon we were able to find in the game’s assets so far.
The list below includes all the Pokémon explicitly shown to exist in Pokémon Legends: Z-A — as well as every other Pokémon in their evolutionary lines — in National Pokédex order. Please note that this doesn’t account for any new regional forms that may be introduced à la the Hisuian variants from Pokémon Legends: Arceus.
- Charmander
- Charmeleon
- Charizard (Mega X/Y)
- Pidgey
- Pidgeotto
- Pidgeot (Mega)
- Ekans
- Arbok
- Pikachu
- Raichu
- Bellsprout
- Weepinbell
- Victreebel
- Onix
- Kangaskhan (Mega)
- Staryu
- Starmie
- Pinsir
- Magikarp
- Gyarados (Mega)

- Eevee
- Vaporeon
- Jolteon
- Flareon
- Dratini
- Dragonair
- Dragonite
- Chikorita
- Bayleef
- Meganium
- Totodile
- Croconaw
- Feraligatr
- Spinarak
- Ariados
- Pichu
- Mareep
- Flaafy
- Ampharos (Mega)
- Espeon

- Umbreon
- Steelix (Mega)
- Heracross
- Houndour
- Houndoom (Mega)
- Larvitar
- Pupitar
- Tyranitar (Mega)
- Ralts
- Kirlia
- Gardevoir (Mega)
- Sableye (Mega)
- Roselia
- Swablu
- Altaria (Mega)
- Absol (Mega)
- Bagon
- Shelgon
- Salamence (Mega)

- Budew
- Roserade
- Riolu
- Lucario (Mega)
- Hippopotas
- Hippowdon
- Leafeon
- Glaceon
- Gallade (Mega)
- Tepig
- Pignite
- Emboar
- Patrat
- Watchog
- Sandile
- Krokorok
- Krookodile
- Trubbish
- Garbodor
- Emolga

- Litwick
- Lampent
- Chandelure
- Bunnelby
- Diggersby
- Fletchling
- Fletchinder
- Talonflame
- Scatterbug
- Spewpa
- Vivillon
- Litleo
- Pyroar
- Flabébé
- Floette
- Florges
- Skiddo
- Gogoat
- Pancham
- Pangoro

- Furfrou
- Espurr
- Meowstic
- Honedge
- Doublade
- Aegislash
- Spritzee
- Aromatisse
- Swirlix
- Slurpuff
- Inkay
- Malamar
- Skrelp
- Dragalge
- Clauncher
- Clawitzer
- Sylveon
- Hawlucha
- Dedenne

- Goomy
- Sliggoo
- Goodra
- Klefki
- Noibat
- Noivern
- Zygarde
Let us know if we missed any! We plan to update this list as we see more of what Pokémon Legends: Z-A has in store, so stay tuned.