How One Piece Can Save Every Vegapunk

Published:Tue, 22 Aug 2023 / Source:

Dr. Vegapunk Shaka painted a somewhat grim picture for himself and the other Satellites. In One Piece Chapter 1071, "The Hero Deploys," he noted that the six Satellites' highest priority was the safety of the Stella. To that end, they would have to be willing to sacrifice themselves. This was all in light of the need to get Vegapunk off the island of Egghead aboard the Straw Hat Pirates' ship. As much as the Satellites would like to leave with the Stella, they may have to surrender their lives to prevent a worst-case scenario. As of Chapter 1090, "Kizaru," two of them are dead, including Shaka. If things go poorly, the other Satellites may soon follow until only the Stella is left alive.

