Picard Season 3 Special Features Highlight One Way It's Unique

Published:Mon, 18 Sep 2023 / Source:https://www.cbr.com/picard-season-3-special-features-unique/

The third wave of series in the universe Gene Roddenberry created had a tumultuous start, just like its second wave. In one way, Star Trek: Picard was very similar to The Next Generation era of the saga, because of the revolving door of showrunners. Yet, throughout the special features for Picard Season 3, the addition of showrunner Terry Matalas proves how unique an experience it was for the longtime cast and crew. The co-creator of the fantastic 12 Monkeys, Matalas is a Star Trek fan through-and-through. Perhaps that connection to the franchise or simply his individual style of showrunning is what makes Picard Season 3 different from so many other Star Trek shows. From special featurettes to the episode commentaries, the cast cannot stop talking about how great it was working with him.

