The third and final volume in The Art of Destiny series published by Bungie is now available from the Bungie Store for $49.99. The 272-page, hardcover, coffee table book features an expansive collection of concept art for weapons, characters, environments, and enemies from the live-service shooter with accompanying commentary from the development team. Regardless of how you feel about the current state of Destiny 2 and its increasingly unhinged crossovers, you can’t deny that it has some outstanding visual design. While the book is already available from the Bungie Store, if you can handle waiting until April 15, you also have the option to pre-order from Amazon.
Below we’ve provided an exclusive preview of some of the excellent art you can expect from the third volume.
If you’d like to complete this series of visual companion guides for Destiny, Volumes 1 and 2 are currently available from Amazon or Barnes & Noble. The first volume encompasses the earliest days of the original Destiny, while the second volume prominently features visual designs from the sequel that debuted in 2017. Bungie has also published a volume specifically for all the gun nuts out there with Destiny: The Exotic Collection Volume One, which includes a 179-page book featuring renders and accompanying lore for every Destiny 2 exotic weapon featured up to the Season of the Lost.