Build a Serious Pile of Shame With Up to 92% Off LEGO Games, Slashed Suicide Squad, and More!

Published:Thu, 18 Jan 2024 / Source:

Even if you've lurked here for not very long, you probably already know I love Lego and co-op-centric games. Obviously, the venn diagram meets perfectly on anything made by TT Games, and there are some cracking discounts on some of their studliest efforts. If you've never played one, grab a few pieces of stock, because I'm sure they're going to click with you.

In retro news, Gravity Rush 2 gets a seven candle cake today. The most overriding memory I have of playing it is one of sheer joy of movement, thanks to an enhanced suite of gravity-defying styles for Kat. The icing on the cake was that it was three times the runtime of its predecessor and had a sandbox 2.5 times larger. Still a pretty unique sort of action-adventure experience. Well worth a play in 2024.

This Day in Gaming

Aussie birthdays for notable games.

- Gravity Rush 2 (PS4) 2017.

- Ace Combat 7 (PC,PS4,XO) 2019.

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Adam Mathew is our Aussie deals wrangler and has had words on IGN since 2008. He plays practically everything, often on YouTube.

