Druids are one of the most interesting classes in Diablo 4. They’re not only able to control animals — they can turn into animals (and also cast powerful spells). The result is a class that’s packed with complex ability combinations that can deal massive damage. As such, designing an ideal Druid build is a puzzle in its own right. That’s where we come in, with our suggestions of the best Druid builds for Diablo 4 season 7.
Druids can cast storm spells, control the earth, summon companions, or shapeshift into one of two creatures: a Werebear or a Werewolf. But what makes the class really interesting is its host of Legendaries that can make certain skills behave like others, allowing you to mix and match skills regardless of type. Not to your taste? We also have builds for the Sorcerer, Rogue, Barbarian, Spiritborn, and Necromancer classes.
In this Diablo 4 guide, we’ve gathered and simplified the best Diablo 4 Druid builds for season 7. If you need even more information on item affixes or other more complex ideas, we’ve been sure to link out to the more detailed versions of these builds, as well as where to find their original creators.
Best Druid build for leveling in Diablo 4 season 7

This build is based on Danger’s Druid leveling guide at Maxroll.gg, and is purely for leveling (i.e., allocating your 71 skill points between levels 1 and 60) and early Torment I. If you want more detailed information about the item affixes you want to look for on your gear, or which other Legendary powers are great for your build, check out the original Maxroll.gg guide.
Best skills for leveling
One of the easiest Druid leveling guides you can play is the Lightning Storm build, which relies on Core skill that summon allies. In this build, you’ll be using Maul, Trample, Poison Creeper, Wolves, and Ravens.
Here are the best skills for a Druid leveling build, organized by the exact order you should purchase them in — bearing in mind that some skills require you to allocate a number of skill points in the tree in order to unlock them. As such, you’ll need to unlock new skills before enhancing existing ones.
- Maul / Enhanced Maul
- Lightning Storm / Enhanced Lightning Storm / Primal Lightning Storm
- Lightning Storm (rank 2-5)
- Predatory Instinct
- Iron Fur (rank 1-3)
- Wolves
- Poison Creeper / Enhanced Poison Creeper / Ferocious Poison Creeper
- Ravens
- Clarity (rank 1-3)
- Trample / Enhanced Trample / Savage Trample
- Heart of the Wild
- Wild Impulses (rank 1-3)
- Enhanced Ravens
- Elemental Exposure
- Electric Shock (rank 1-3)
- Perfect Storm
- Ancestral Fortitude (rank 1-3)
- Defiance
- Circle of Life (rank 1-3)
- Defensive Posture (rank 1-3)
- Quickshift
- Heightened Senses (rank 1-3)
- Humanity (rank 1-3)
- Neurotoxin
- Envenom (rank 1-3)
- Defiance (rank 2-3)
- Quickshift (rank 2-3)
- Nature’s Reach (rank 1-3)
- Feral Aptitude (rank 1-3)
- Natural Disaster (rank 1-3)
- Resonance (rank 1-3)
Best Spirit Boon setup for leveling
Once you unlock the Spirit Boon system for your Druid, you’ll want to use your Druidic Spirit Offerings to select these five Boons in this order:
- Pack Leader – Wolf
- Avian Wrath – Eagle
- Gift of the Stag – Stag
- Overload – Snake
- Scythe Talons – Eagle
Best Legendary Aspects for Druid leveling build
When you first start your new character, complete these eight dungeons first in order to collect their Aspects. Then place them on a piece of gear (ideally jewelry and never weapons). The random drop Aspects are all nice to add to your Codex and your gear if you’re lucky enough to find them on your leveling journey.
- Might (Dark Ravine, Dry Steppes)
- Inner Calm (Raethwind Wilds, Scosglen)
- Disobedience (Halls of the Damned, Kehjistan)
- Skinwalker’s (Fading Echo, Kehjistan)
- Overcharged (Mariner’s Refuge, Scosglen)
- Ghostwalker (Broken Bulwark, Scosglen)
- Retaliation (Seaside Descent, Dry Steppes)
- Umbral (Champion’s Demise, Dry Steppes)
- Voracious Rage (Hallowed Ossuary, Fractured Peaks)
Best Druid build for endgame
Note: The following build was one of the best Druid endgame builds for season 6. While you might not get the most bang for your buck from it in season 7, it’s still effective as of this writing.
This build is based off of the Maxroll team’s Boulder guide at MaxRoll.gg, and is a general endgame guide capable of finding success in all activities. This guide assumes that you’re over level 60, have access to all 71 skill points, and are making progress on your Paragon Boards. If you want more detailed information about the item affixes you want to look for on your gear, or why these Legendary powers are great for your build, check out the original MaxRoll guide.
Best skill points for Boulder build for endgame
This build utilizes Boulder as its core skill. It also uses Hurricane, Cataclysm, Shred, Rabies, and Earthen Bulwark.
Since you need all 71 points for this build, the order you select these skills in doesn’t matter as long as you have the pre-requisite points in the earlier skill tree tiers. Here is how you should spend your skill points for this build:
- Wind Shear / Enhanced Wind Shear
- Shred / Enhanced Shred / Primal Shred
- Heart of the Wild
- Wild Impulses (rank 1-3)
- Earthen Bulwark / Enhanced Earthen Bulwark
- Backlash (rank 1-3)
- Feral Aptitude (rank 1-3)
- Hurricane / Enhanced Hurricane / Savage Hurricane
- Boulder (rank 1-5) / Enhanced Boulder / Natural Boulder
- Rabies / Enhanced Rabies / Natural Rabies
- Endless Tempest (rank 1-3)
- Mending
- Provocation (rank 1-3)
- Safeguard
- Stone Guard (rank 1-3)
- Crushing Earth (rank 1-3)
- Neurotoxin
- Envenom (rank 1-3)
- Cataclysm (rank 1-5) / Prime Cataclysm / Supreme Cataclysm
- Natural Disaster (rank 1-3)
- Defiance (rank 1-3)
- Circle of Life (rank 1-3)
- Quickshift (rank 1-3)
- Heightened Senses (rank 1-3)
- Bestial Rampage
Druid Spirit Boon setup for Boulder build
You’ll be using double Eagle for your Spirit Boons for this build. Here’s every Spirit Boon selection you want:
- Stag – Wariness
- Eagle 1 – Scythe Talons
- Eagle 2 – Iron Feather
- Wolf – Calamity
- Snake – Calm Before the Storm
Legendary Powers and Uniques for Boulder build
To make this build work, you’re going to need powerful Legendary Powers and Unique items to augment your build.
The Maxroll team recommends these Aspects:
- Helm: Wildbolt
- Chest: Juggernaut’s
- Gloves: Metamorphic Stone
- Pants: Undying
- Boots: Metamorphosis
- Two-handed Mace: Retaliation (dungeon)
- Amulet: Dolmen Stone (Unique)
- Ring 1: Natural Balance
- Ring 2: Mjolnic Ryng (Unique)
If you want to get into the nitty gritty of stat priorities, refer to the Maxroll team’s original guide.
Paragon Boards for Druid Boulder build
The Paragon Board system is very complex, and you’ll want to carefully pair your Glyphs with specific boards for your class:
- Starter Board / Dominate
- Earthen Devastation / Fang and Claw
- Ancestral Guidance / Earth and Sky
- Heightened Malice / Spirit
- Survival Instincts / Outmatch
You should level your Glyphs to 15 in this specific order:
- Dominate
- Fang and Claw
- Earth and Sky
- Spirit
- Outmatch
You can path your own way through the Paragon Boards most efficiently by following the Maxroll team’s path.
How to make a great Druid build

Druids is Diablo 4’s hybrid caster and melee class, but their most unique trait is their ability to shapeshift into either a Werebear or a Werewolf. Druids have access to six Key Passives, but four builds that primarily stem from them:
- Werebear
- Werewolf
- Storm
- Earth
Werebear is the Druid’s more defensive transformation, although it can be extremely deadly when built out correctly. Werebear’s will take advantage of either the Ursine Strength Key Passive or the Bestial Rampage Key Passive. Werewolf builds are the faster, deadlier Druid builds, but they’re also far less defensive. Werewolf builds will use either the Lupine Ferocity Key Passive or the Bestial Rampage Key Passive.
Druid’s caster builds mimic shapeshifts. Earth builds are the more defensive of the two (and are typically melee-based), and will use either the Earthen Might or Nature’s Fury Key Passives. Storm skills are heavy Spirit spenders, and can be cast from much further away. Storm builds benefit from the Perfect Storm or Nature’s Fury Key Passives.
Many of the class’ Legendaries allow you to transform certain skills into other skills (turning all Storm skills into Werewolf skills, for example). But if you’re building your own Druid class, keep in mind that you’ll end up building either a caster or a shapeshifter and selecting one of these Key Passives. However, it’s also important to keep in mind that — with the use of some powerful Legendaries and Uniques — you can make shapeshifter builds that are also casters.
Looking for other Diablo 4 builds? We have explainers on the Spiritborn, Sorcerer, Rogue, Barbarian, and Necromancer classes.