Star Wars: The Complete History of the Skywalker Lightsaber

Published:Tue, 09 Jan 2024 / Source:

With the creation of the lightsaber, the Star Wars saga gave the world the most iconic sci-fi weapon of all time. As the weapon of the Jedi and the Sith, the lightsaber has become one of the most instantly recognizable images from Star Wars' rich mythology. Of the various lightsabers that appear in the Star Wars movies -- including Darth Maul's double-ended lightsaber -- Mace Windu's distinctive purple-bladed saber and Count Dooku's saber with its uniquely curved hilt, there is perhaps no iteration of the weapon more instantly recognizable or meaningful to fans than the Skywalker lightsaber. This is the very first lightsaber that was ever activated on-screen, introducing audiences to the legendary weapon for the first time.

